California Code of Regulations
Airport Noise Standards


Ronald D. Steinbach, a volunteer attorney working with Taxpayers for Responsible Planning, suggests that special attention be paid to the following sections of the code.  Interior noise in excess of 45 dB CNEL may be excessive under the regulations. (See 21 CCR 5014)

21 CCR 5001 Definitions
21 CCR 5012 Airport Noise Standard
21 CCR 5014 Incompatible Land Uses Within the Noise Impact Boundary
21 CCR 5037 Suggested Methodology for Controlling and Reducing Noise Problems

21 CCR 5000 (1998)

@ 5000. Preamble

The following rules and regulations are promulgated in accordance with Article 3, Chapter 4, Part 1, Division 9, Public Utilities Code (Regulation of Airports) to provide noise standards governing the operation of aircraft and aircraft engines for all airports operating under a valid permit issued by the Department of Transportation. These standards are based upon two separate legal grounds: (1) the power of airport proprietors to impose noise ceilings and other limitations on the use of the airport, and (2) the power of the state to act to an extent not prohibited by federal law. The regulations are designed to cause the airport proprietor, aircraft operator, local governments, pilots, and the department to work cooperatively to diminish noise problems. The regulations accomplish these ends by controlling and reducing the noise impact area in communities in the vicinity of airports.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Amendment filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10).

21 CCR 5001 (1998)

@ 5001. Definitions

The definitions in the following subsections apply to this subchapter.

(a) Air Carrier: Air carrier is any aircraft operating pursuant to a federal certificate of public convenience and necessity, including any certificate issued pursuant to 49 U.S.C. Section 1371 and any permit issued pursuant to 49 U.S.C. Section 1371.

(b) Aircraft Operator: Aircraft operator means the legal or beneficial owner of the aircraft with authority to control the aircraft utilization except where the aircraft is leased, the lessee is the operator.

(c) Airport Proprietor: Airport proprietor means the holder of an airport permit issued by the department pursuant to Article 3, Chapter 4, Part 1, Division 9, Public Utilities Code.

(d) Annual CNEL: The annual CNEL, in decibels, is the average (on an energy basis) of the daily CNEL over a 12-month period. The annual CNEL is calculated in accordance with the following:

Annual CNEL = 10 log[10] [(1/365) Sigma Antilog (CNEL(i)/10)]

where CNEL(i) = the daily CNEL for each day in a continuous 12-month period, and Sigma means summation.

When the annual CNEL is approximated by measurements on a statistical basis, as specified in Section 5034, the number 365 is replaced by the number of days for which measurements are obtained.

(e) County: County, as used herein, shall mean the county board of supervisors or its designee authorized to exercise the powers and duties herein specified.

(f) Daily Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL): Community noise equivalent level, in decibels, represents the average daytime noise level during a 24-hour day, adjusted to an equivalent level to account for the lower tolerance of people to noise during evening and night time periods relative to the daytime period. Community noise equivalent level is calculated from the hourly noise levels by the following: CNEL = 10 log (1/24) [ Sigma antilog (HNLD/10) + 3 Sigma antilog (HNLE/10) + PAGE 6 21 CCR 5001 (1998)

10 Sigma antilog (HNLN/10)]


HNLD are the hourly noise levels for the period 0700-1900 hours;

HNLE are the hourly noise levels for the period 1900-2200 hours;

HNLN are the hourly noise levels for the period 2200-0700 hours; and Sigma means summation.

(g) Department: Department means the Department of Transportation of the State of California.

(h) General Aviation: General aviation aircraft are all aircraft other than air carrier aircraft and military aircraft.

(i) Hourly Noise Level (HNL): The hourly noise level, in decibels, is the average (on an energy basis) noise level during a particular hour. Hourly noise level is determined by subtracting 35.6 decibels (equal to 10 log[10] 3600) from the noise exposure level measured during the particular hour, integrating for those periods during which the noise level exceeds a threshold noise level.

For implementation in this subchapter of these regulations, the threshold noise level shall be a noise level which is 10 decibels below the numerical value of the appropriate Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) standard specified in Section 5012. At some microphone locations, sources of noise other than aircraft may contribute to the CNEL. Where the airport proprietor can demonstrate that the accuracy of the CNEL measurement will remain within the required tolerance specified in Section 5070, the department may grant a waiver to increase the threshold noise level.

(j) Noise Exposure Level (NEL): The noise exposure level is the level of noise accumulated during a given event, with reference to a duration of one second. More specifically, noise exposure level, in decibels, is the level of the time-integrated A-weighted squared sound pressure for a stated time interval or event, based on the reference pressure of 20 micronewtons per square meter and reference duration of one second.

(k) Noise Impact Area: Noise impact area is the area within the noise impact boundary that is composed of incompatible land use.

(l) Noise Impact Boundary: Noise impact boundary is the locus of points around an airport for which the annual CNEL is equal to the airport noise standard established in Section 5012. The concepts of noise impact boundary and noise impact area are illustrated in Figure 1. [See Illustration In Original]

(m) Noise Level (NL): Noise level is the measure in decibels of an A-weighted sound pressure level as measured using the slow dynamic characteristic for sound level meters specified in American National Standard Specification for Sound Level Meters, (ANSI S1.4-1983 as revised by ANSI S1.4A-1985) which is hereby incorporated by reference. The A-weighting characteristic modifies the PAGE 7 21 CCR 5001 (1998)

frequency response of the measuring instrument to account approximately for the frequency characteristics of the human ear. The reference pressure is 20 micronewtons/square meter (2 x 10<-4> microbar).

(n) Noise Problem Airport: "Noise problem airport" is an airport that the county in which the airport is located has declared to have a noise problem under section 5020.

(o) Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL): The single event noise exposure level, in decibels, is the noise exposure level of a single event, such as an aircraft flyby, measured over the time interval between the initial and final times for which the noise level of a single event exceeds a predetermined threshold noise level.

(p) Sound Pressure Level (SPL): The sound pressure level, in decibels (dB), of a sound is 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of that sound to the reference pressure 20 micronewtons/square meter (2 x 10<-4> microbar).

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering and amendment of former Section 5001 to Section 5002, and renumbering and amendment of former Section 5006 to Section 5001 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 79, No. 21. 21 CCR 5002 (1998)

@ 5002. Liberal Construction

This subchapter shall be liberally construed and applied to promote its underlying purposes which are to protect the public from noise and to resolve incompatibilities between airports and their surrounding neighbors.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering of former Section 5002 to Section 5003, and renumbering of Section 5001 to Section 5002 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 79, No. 21.

21 CCR 5006 (1998)

@ 5006. Findings

Citizens residing in the vicinity of airports are exposed to the noise of aircraft operations. There have been numerous instances wherein individual citizens or organized citizen groups have complained about airport noise to various authorities. The severity of these complaints has ranged from a few telephone calls to organized legal action. Many of these cases have been studied by acoustics research workers under sponsorship of governmental and private organizations. These studies have generally shown that the severity of the complaint is principally associated with a combination of the following factors:

(a) Magnitude and duration of the noise from aircraft operations;

(b) Number of aircraft operations; and

(c) Time of occurrence during the day (daytime, evening or night).

There are many reasons given by residents for their complaints; however, those most often cited are interference with speech communication, TV, and sleep. Numerous studies have been made related to speech interference and hearing damage, and some studies have been made related to sleep disturbance and other physiological effects. These studies provide substantial evidence for the relationship between noise level and its interference with speech communication and its effect relative to hearing loss. Significantly less information is available from the results of sleep and physiological studies.

In order to provide a systematic method for evaluating and eventually reducing noise incompatibilities in the vicinity of airports, it is necessary to quantify the noise problem. For this purpose, these regulations establish a procedure for defining a noise impact area surrounding an individual airport. The criteria and noise levels utilized to define the boundaries of the noise impact area have been based on existing evidence from studies of community noise reaction, noise interference with speech and sleep, and noise induced hearing loss.

One of the fundamental philosophies underlying the procedures in these regulations is that any noise quantity specified by these regulations be measurable by relatively simple means. Therefore, these regulations utilize as their basic measure the A-weighted noise level, which is the most commonly accepted simple measure. To insure consistency between criteria and measurement, the units for the criteria are also based on the A-weighted sound level rather than one of the several more complex perceived noise levels. PAGE 10 21 CCR 5006 (1998)

The level of noise acceptable to a reasonable person residing in the vicinity of an airport is established as a community noise equivalent level (CNEL) value of 65 dB for purposes of these regulations. This criterion level has been chosen for reasonable persons residing in urban residential areas where houses are of typical California construction and may have windows partially open. It has been selected with reference to speech, sleep and community reaction.

It is recognized that there is a considerable individual variability in the reaction to noise. Further, there are several factors that undoubtedly influence this variability and which are not thoroughly understood. Therefore, this criterion level does not have a degree of precision which is often associated with engineering criteria for a physical phenomenon (e.g., the strength of a bridge, building, etcetera). For this reason, the state will review the criterion periodically, taking into account any new information that might become available.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Sections 21243 and 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Air Transport Association of America v. Crotti (N.D.Cal. 1975) 389 F.Supp. 58.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering and amendment of former Section 5006 to Section 5001, and renumbering and amendment of former Section 5005 to Section 5006 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 79, No. 21.

21 CCR 5010 (1998)

@ 5010. Purpose

The purpose of these regulations is to provide a positive basis to accomplish resolution of existing noise problems in communities surrounding airports and to prevent the development of new noise problems. To accomplish this purpose, these regulations establish a quantitative framework within which the various interested parties (i.e., airport proprietors, aircraft operators, local communities, counties and the state) can work together cooperatively to reduce and prevent airport noise problems.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Amendment filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10).

21 CCR 5012 (1998)

@ 5012. Airport Noise Standard

The standard for the acceptable level of aircraft noise for persons living in the vicinity of airports is hereby established to be a community noise equivalent level of 65 decibels. This standard forms the basis for the following limitation.

No airport proprietor of a noise problem airport shall operate an airport with a noise impact area based on the standard of 65 dB CNEL unless the operator has applied for or received a variance as prescribed in Article 5 of this subchapter.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Repealer of former Section 5012, and renumbering and amendment of former Section 5062 to Section 5012 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 79, No. 21.

21 CCR 5014 (1998)

@ 5014. Incompatible Land Uses Within the Noise Impact Boundary

For the purpose of determining the size of the noise impact area, the following land uses are incompatible:

(a) Residences, including but not limited to, detached single-family dwellings, multi-family dwellings, high-rise apartments or condominiums, and mobile homes, unless:

(1) an avigation easement for aircraft noise has been acquired by the airport proprietor, or

(2) the dwelling unit was in existence at the same location prior to January 1, 1989, and has adequate acoustic insulation to ensure an interior CNEL due to aircraft noise of 45 dB or less in all habitable rooms. However, acoustic treatment alone does not convert residences having an exterior CNEL of 75 dB or greater due to aircraft noise to a compatible land use if the residence has an exterior normally cognizable private habitable area such as a backyard, patio, or balcony. Or,

(3) the residence is a high rise apartment or condominium having an interior CNEL of 45 dB or less in all habitable rooms due to aircraft noise, and an air circulation or air conditioning system as appropriate, or

(4) the airport proprietor has made a genuine effort as determined by the department in accordance with adopted land use compatibility plans and appropriate laws and regulations to acoustically treat residences exposed to an exterior CNEL less than 80 dB (75 dB if the residence has an exterior normally occupiable private habitable area such as a backyard, patio, or balcony) or acquire avigation easements, or both, for the residences involved, but the property owners have refused to take part in the program, or

(5) the residence is owned by the airport proprietor.

(b) Public and private schools of standard construction for which an avigation easement for noise has not been acquired by the airport proprietor, or that do not have adequate acoustic performance to ensure an interior CNEL of 45 dB or less in all classrooms due to aircraft noise;

(c) hospitals and convalescent homes for which an avigation easement for noise has not been acquired by the airport proprietor, or that do not have adequate acoustic performance to provide an interior CNEL of 45 dB or less due PAGE 14 21 CCR 5014 (1998)

to aircraft noise in all rooms used for patient care;

(d) churches, synagogues, temples, and other places of worship for which an avigation easement for noise has not been acquired by the airport proprietor, or that do not have adequate acoustic performance to ensure an interior CNEL of 45 dB or less due to aircraft noise.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Sections 21243 and 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Air Transport Association of America v. Crotti (N.D.Cal 1975) 389 F. Supp. 58.

HISTORY: 1. Amendment filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Registers 79, No. 21 and 78, No. 38.

21 CCR 5020 (1998)

@ 5020. Designating Noise Problem Airport

Any county may, at any time, in accordance with the procedure herein, declare any airport within its boundaries to have a noise problem, by adopting a resolution to this effect and forwarding it to this department. In making the determination, the county shall:

(a) Review relevant information, including but not limited to, the record of complaints made, and litigation filed, by residents of the area regarding airport related aircraft noise.

(b) Investigate the possible existence of a noise impact area.

(c) Coordinate with and give due consideration to the recommendations of the applicable airport land use commission established under section 21670 of the Public Utilities Code.

(d) For an airport with joint use by both military and civilian aircraft operations, base its finding only on civilian operations.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities code.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering and amendment of former Section 5020 to Section 5032, and new Section 5020 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 78, No. 22.

21 CCR 5022 (1998)

@ 5022. County Enforcement

The county wherein a noise problem airport is situated shall enforce this subchapter.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering and amendment of former Section 5022 to Section 5034, and new Section 5022 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 78, No. 22.

21 CCR 5023 (1998)

@ 5023. Noise Monitoring

The county shall require the airport proprietor for each airport within its jurisdiction determined to have a noise problem, for which the estimated location of the noise impact boundary extends into incompatible land uses, to establish a program of noise monitoring to validate the location of the noise impact boundary in accordance with a monitoring plan approved by the department.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Repealer and new section filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 78, No. 22. P

21 CCR 5024 (1998)

@ 5024. Audit

For each noise problem airport, the county shall review and audit noise monitoring data supplied by the airport proprietor for the purpose of ensuring that the data were produced in accordance with the monitoring system plan approved by the department and that the information presented by the airport proprietor is certified as being true and correct by the person in charge of operating the noise monitoring system. Duplicative monitoring by the county is not required.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering of former Section 5024 to Section 5047, and new Section 5024 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No 10). For prior history, see Register 78, No. 22.

21 CCR 5025 (1998)

@ 5025. County Report

The county shall submit quarterly to the department for each noise problem airport within 75 days after the end of each calendar quarter, a report containing at least the following information:

(a) A map illustrating the location of the noise impact boundary, as validated by measurement, and the location of measurement points, in the four preceding calendar quarters;

(b) The annual noise impact area as obtained from the preceding four calendar quarterly reports, an estimate of the number of dwelling units, and the number of people residing therein;

(c) The daily CNEL measurement, together with identification of the date on which each measurement was made, number of total aircraft operations during the calendar quarter, estimated number of operations of the highest noise level aircraft type (as defined in the 14th Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1, for the certification of airmen) in the calendar quarter, and any other data pertinent to the activity. The Hourly Noise Level (HNL) data shall be retained for at least 3 years, and made available to the department upon request.

(d) The quarterly report shall include use of a standard information format provided by the department (form DOA 617, dated 10/89). The standard form provides a listing for certain summary information including size of noise impact area and the aircraft operational data specified in paragraph (c) above.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Sections 21243 and 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering and amendment of former Section 5025 to Section 5049, and new Section 5025 filed 2-20-90; operative 2-20-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 78, No. 22.

21 CCR 5031 (1998)

@ 5031. Establishment of the Noise Impact Boundary

Each noise problem airport shall measure, establish and validate noise impact boundaries by noise monitoring as required by this subchapter and shall furnish such information to the county.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering and amendment of former Section 5060(b) to Section 5031 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For history of former Section 5031, see Register 79, No. 21.

21 CCR 5032 (1998)

@ 5032. Validation of the Noise Impact Boundary

The noise impact boundary shall be validated by measurements made at locations approved for this purpose by the department. The noise problem airport proprietor shall ascertain the noise impact boundary within a tolerance of plus or minus 1.5 decibels annual CNEL by measurements made in accordance with, and at locations designated in, a noise monitoring plan approved by the department. The noise impact boundary may be ascertained directly from information gathered from monitors or from the combined use of an approved computer model and the data reported by the noise monitoring system. Monitoring shall be accomplished at locations in the approved monitoring system layout plan. The locations shall be selected to facilitate locating the maximum extent (closure points) of the noise impact boundary when the contour extremities encompass incompatible land uses.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering and amendment of former Section 5020 to Section 5032 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For history of former Section 5032, see Register 79, No. 21.

21 CCR 5033 (1998)

@ 5033. Submittal of Monitoring Plan

Each proprietor of a noise problem airport shall submit a description of the proposed monitoring plan to the department for approval containing at least the following information:

(a) the general monitoring system plan, including at least locations and the type of instrumentation to be employed;

(b) Justification for any proposed deviations from the measurement system locations specified in these regulations;

(c) Statistical sampling plan proposed for intermittent monitoring at community locations;

(d) Additional information as pertinent or as requested by the department.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Sections 21243 and 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Air Transport Association of America v. Crotti (N.D.Cal. 1975) 389 F.Supp. 58.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering and amendment of former Section 5063 to Section 5033 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 79, No. 21.

21 CCR 5034 (1998)

@ 5034. Frequency of Measurement

(a) For airports with 1,000 or more homes within the noise impact boundary based on CNEL of 70 dB, continuous monitoring is required at those monitoring positions which fall within residential areas. Measurement for at least 48 weeks in a year shall be considered as continuous monitoring.

(b) For all other noise problem airports, an intermittent monitoring schedule is allowed. The intermittent monitoring schedule shall be designed so as to obtain the resulting annual CNEL as computed from measurements at each location which will correspond to the value that would be measured by a monitor operated continuously throughout the year at that location, within an accuracy of plus or minus 1.5 dB.

Thus, it is required that the intermittent monitoring schedule be designed to obtain a realistic statistical sample of the noise at each location. As a minimum, this requires that measurements be taken continuously for 24-hour periods during four 7-day samples throughout the year, chosen so that for each sample, each day of the week is represented, the four seasons of the year are represented, and the results account for the effect of annual proportion of runway utilization. At most airports, these intermittent measurements can be accomplished by a single portable monitoring instrument.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering and amendment of former Section 5022 to Section 5034 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 79, No. 21.

21 CCR 5035 (1998)

@ 5035. Schedule of Implementation

Within 90 days following the declaration by a county that an airport has a noise problem, and current estimates indicate that a noise impact area exists, the airport proprietor shall forward a schedule of major actions and events involved in the initiation of noise monitoring to the county and to the department. The schedule shall include an estimate of the number of dwelling units inside the 70 dB CNEL contour based upon current airport operations, and the forecast dates for budget amendments, contract award, system design, system construction, system installation, and the system becoming operational in cases where continuous monitoring is required.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. New section filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 9). For history of former Section 5035, see Register 79, No. 21.

21 CCR 5037 (1998)

@ 5037. Suggested Methodology for Controlling and Reducing Noise Problems

The methods whereby the impact of airport noise may be controlled and reduced include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) Encouraging use of the airport by aircraft classes with lower noise level characteristics and discouraging use by higher noise level aircraft classes;

(b) Encouraging approach and departure flight paths and procedures to minimize the noise in residential areas;

(c) Planning runway utilization schedules to take into account adjacent residential areas, noise characteristics of aircraft and noise sensitive time periods;

(d) Reduction of the flight frequency, particularly in the most noise sensitive time periods and by the noisier aircraft;

(e) Employing shielding for advantage, using natural terrain, buildings, and other obstructions to noise; and

(f) Development of compatible land uses within the noise impact boundary through rezoning, acquisition of avigation easements for noise (voluntarily in exchange for acoustical insulation, an agreed fee, or by eminent domain), application of acoustical insulation, or acquisition of property as examples.

Preference shall be given to actions which reduce the impact of airport noise on existing communities. Land use conversion involving existing residential communities shall normally be considered the least desirable action for achieving compliance with these regulations.

AUTHORITY: Note: Authority cited: Section 21669, Public Utilities Code. Reference: Sections 21669-21669.4, Public Utilities Code.

HISTORY: 1. Renumbering and amendment of former Section 5011 to Section 5037 filed 2-20-90; operative 3-22-90 (Register 90, No. 10). For prior history, see Register 79, No. 21).


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