Text of undated letter received October 24, 2004

Chris Mears

Irvine City Council Member
Orange County Great Park Corporation Board of Directors, Chair

Dear Friends,

As many of you know, I have endorsed Mike Ward for Mayor, and Greg Smith, Mike House, and Steven Choi for Council - a team running together as "Irvine First" - because I believe these people have what it takes to restore integrity to City Hall.

I have witnessed first hand the various ways in which private financial interests have been advanced at City Hall over the past several years. Most of us know the phrase "influence peddling", and influence peddlers have secured a beachhead at City Hall through their relationship with, and support of, Larry Agran and Beth Krom. Chief among these peddlers is Ed Dornan, someone who has sought to make huge dollars through the proposed city utility and the development of the Great Park. Of course, Ed is Larry and Beth's political pointman, pollster, and fundraiser, and is also the owner of the "Hometown Voter Guide". The "Hometown Voter Guide" is a political slate mailer which has collected hundreds of thousands of dollars - typically from people who want to do business with the city - and then uses the dollars to create and send mailers that support Larry and Beth and their slate of candidates. You do the math.

Unfortunately, there's more, although it takes some telling. The genesis of my personal and political falling out with Larry has been re-engineered by Larry and Ed in order to try to diminish the message and the messenger. In truth, the beginning of the end of my personal and political friendship with Larry was my decision, in the spring of 2003 not to run for Mayor or for Council in November, 2004. Prior thereto, Larry and I had been political allies in the election of 2000, and formed the core of a formidable team on the council. Larry faced term limits in November, 2004, and our plan was that I would run for Mayor at that time, which would free Larry to leave the council and do what he had wanted to do for some time; become the highly paid Executive Director of the Great Park Conservancy, a group that was an outgrowth of Larry's grassroots political organization, Project 99, and a group that, prior to the passage of Measure W, wanted to design and build the Great Park. In Larry's thinking, I would anchor a council majority as Mayor that was "Larry friendly", and would hopefully view with favor the idea of providing at least interim funding, as necessary, for the Conservancy - with the Conservancy paying Larry a couple of hundred thousand dollars a year as its Executive Director!

My decision not to run for Mayor - based on personal and professional considerations, and just plain old fatigue with Larry's continual manipulation of the process - created havoc with Larry's plans, and he was furious with me, in part because he didn't believe Beth Krom was strong enough to be Mayor and champion his agenda. Thus, Larry felt compelled to run for city council in order to preserve, and advance, his interests. Unwilling to abandon his goal of becoming Executive Director of the Great Park Conservancy, Larry sought to find a legal way that he could serve on the council and, at the same time, work as the highly paid Executive Director of the Conservancy. In fact, Larry obtained a legal opinion that he could do both, so long as he abstained from voting as a council member on any action that might direct money to the Conservancy. It may be legal, but it hardly passes the smell test.

It is also important to understand that Beth Krom has known about, and supported, all of the influence peddling and manipulation engaged in by Larry. Indeed, I took Beth out to dinner last March, just days after the council had, on my motion, continued consideration of the city utility, and days after I had confronted Larry and Ed Dornan about the impropriety of Ed's financial interest in the utility. I wanted to be sure Beth knew about Larry and Ed's manipulations and influence peddling, and I wanted to gauge her reaction. I spent a couple of hours laying out everything I knew about Larry and Ed's dealings, and the role of money and self interest in the process. Beth's response was underwhelming, to say the least, taking the position as she did that there wasn't any decision presently before the council that would require her to concern herself with these matters. Within days after that meeting, I received a more definitive response: Larry and Ed began a whisper campaign of personal attacks directed at me, obviously for the purpose of try to damage the credibility of the messenger. Those attacks continue to this day, as Beth well knows, and she is running for Mayor on the slate with Larry, Sukhee Kang, and Debbie Coven.

One of the more outrageous personal attacks against me was launched just days ago by political activist Frank Barbaro. The genesis of the attack, financed by Larry's political machine, was my refusal to go along with lobbyist Barbaro's union clients. He approached me to support prevailing wage union contracts for the Great Park and I refused. To go along with the Barbaro/Agran union plan would transfer $90 million dollars available for sports parks and other amenities for union wages. I refused... hence the attack.

Frank did get one thing right: I'm angry as hell, along with every other Irvine resident who learns the truth about the fleecing of City Hall. I'm angry at people like Larry and Beth and Ed and Frank and anyone else who seeks to subvert the public interest with influence peddling. I'm angry at Larry and Beth and Ed and Frank and their minions who seek to personally and politically assassinate the character of anyone who disagrees with them, let alone those of us who have gone public with the truth about their influence buying and selling in our city. And I'm angry, too, at their continual lying to the public about what they know to be true. Irvine deserves better, and, on November 2nd, Irvine can do better.

I haven't always agreed with Mike Ward and his "Irvine First" team, and I'm sure I will have honest disagreements with them in the future. But I do not question their honesty and integrity, qualities that are sorely lacking, and sorely needed, at Irvine City Hall.

I encourage you to vote for the entire Irvine First Team. Vote to return integrity to Irvine city government.

Chris Mears
Irvine City Council Member