April 11, 2000 (714) 834-3550

Official Statement

Today in Closed Session, the Board of Supervisors voted 3-2 not to terminate County CEO Jan Mittermeier's contract. Supervisors Coad, Silva and I believe we made a difficult, but responsible decision by choosing to not make Jan Mittermeier a scapegoat for Measure F and the Master Development Program’s failed El Toro policies. Firing Jan Mittermeier would have only paved the way for the Board majority to create a new El Toro process that would be worse for South County. In fact, provisions in her current contract prohibit the County from establishing an alternate authority for airport planning. Jan Mittermeier is the only thing preventing the Board majority from doing that right now.

In my best analysis, this was a veiled attempt by the pro-airport supporters to resurrect a massive airport at El Toro. However, they failed to get the other pro-airport supervisors to follow along with the special interest dominated plans. A separate authority with an airport mandate and controlled by the Board majority is not in South County’s best interest to fight an El Toro airport. The current airport planning process is a disaster and I saw no reason to give them an easy way out, other than throwing the baby out with the bath water.

During this past week, and ever since the Chairman proposed the review and new structure for El Toro planning efforts, I have struggled with how the residents of the Fifth District would best benefit. No one is more fully aware of Jan Mittermeier's shortcomings than I. But, we are talking about a dramatic change for the County -- one that cannot be made in a vacuum. I had to reflect on what I know. I am not going to do the Board majority’s dirty work for them. If they want to clean house in an effort to assist the El Toro process, they must do it themselves. Until then, with Mittermeier at the helm and the Board majority powerless, the planning process will remain in shambles.

I know that from the outside looking in, the specter of special, outside interests controlling the Board is more prevalent than ever. I know there is no confidence in this Board's leadership. We spend millions of dollars on planning an airport at El Toro -- yet just last month, Measure F passes by a 2/3 vote. This conservative Board adopted a blanket PLA virtually in the face of their non-union constituents and the Board's plan for the tobacco settlement dollars is being universally rejected and an initiative is in the process.

But, take a look at the list -- all are issues directly relating to PUBLIC POLICY.

The Board -- or more appropriately, the Board majority -- has to stand up and take responsibility and be accountable. The decision as to whether a CEO continues to serve the people of this county cannot be made by a knee-jerk reaction nor by a veiled attempt to reconstruct a failing airport planning team. The people have elected us to demonstrate leadership and to act responsively in times of chaos. It's time for this board to develop a well thought out, structured approach – one that establishes standards and expectations – one that will stand the test of time. The approach we take has to be above individual Boards and individual Supervisors.

The stability of our County government is paramount!