From the Office of Supervisor Tom Wilson, Fifth District

Lisa Smith August 5, 2002 (714) 834-3550


Supervisor Smith has crafted Measure B for the November 2002 ballot, to give voters the chance to decide what the ultimate reuse of El Toro will be, didn't we do this already?

This "county-wide asset" is now owned by the United States Navy and will fall within the city limits of Irvine following annexation. Since when do we at the County initiate county-wide ballot box land use planning for city government? The Irvine City Council must answer to the people just as we Supervisors should be doing.

The airport plan has failed and life moves on for most folks. This last-ditch desperate effort is nothing more than a back-room deal to keep the special interest dollars flowing and the few pro-airport "hangers-on" in business.

I can't be sure what precipitated this latest folly.  But by Supervisor Smith introducing this Measure B (at the 11th hour knowing full well that I was scheduled out of state for the August 6 Board meeting) he demonstrates his utter disregard for my participation in this important discussion.  Even though I am confident that this measure would ultimately be rejected by the voters, I do hope that at least two of my colleagues will see through this vendetta against the voters and the City of Irvine and veto this poorly designed and less-than-thought-out measure that could set a land use planning precedent we will all regret in the long term.  What potential developer is going to purchase property that must be planned by the electorate? I see this as a ploy to delay the ultimate sale and early development of this extremely valuable property, which appears to have a plan concept within the spirit of Measure W.  Continuing to work in "partnership" with the Navy, the GSA, the County and the City of Irvine is the right course of action......and should result in a well planned and world-class benefit to the residents and visitors alike.

Suddenly the Supervisor is taking an interest in quality of life and is now worried about traffic issues and air quality - it's about time! Measure B is nothing but a lot of "Bull"--- but, of course, that translates into El Toro........