Federal Express Cargo Flights
    Coming to Your Neighborhood Some Night Soon?

This webpage has not been updated. It is retained for historical reasons as an artifact of the battle over El Toro.

What FedEx is up to:
What residents should do:
Tom Wilson's stand to FedEx- December 30, 1997:
Tom Wilson warns all air cargo carriers - September 10, 1998
Greensboro, North Carolina residents protest FedEx flight noise

On December 11, 1997, Supervisors received a letter from Federal Express which says, in part,

'We are very excited about Orange County's plans for El Toro and understand you and your fellow County Supervisors are exploring possible interim use programs at the facility."

"Federal Express supports the county's program for seeking interim uses at El Toro MCAS in conjunction with the Marine Corps and would be interested in working with the Cargo Airlines Association (CAA) to provide any information you feel would be helpful in addressing aviation-specific programs."

"I appreciate the county's leadership on this issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require further information."


Graham R. Smith
Vice President, Properties and Facilities

Federal Exptress has purchased 11.7 acres of land in the Irvine Spectrum, at Barranca and Laguna Canyon Road, for a new 152,000 square- foot distribution center.  A FedEx spokesman said this will be the largest facility of its kind in the western United States.  Are you pleased?

Residents opposing El Toro Airport should voice objections to FedEx.

Write to Mr. Graham Smith, Vice President, and to Mr. Frederick W. Smith, President
Federal Express Corporation
1991 Corporate Avenue
Memphis TN 38132-2661

Fax 901-395-5303

The CIO (Corporate Information Officer) at FedEx is Dennis H. Jones. His E-Mail address is djones.datam@fedex.com. Click here and request that your message be forwarded to the President.

Messages should include some of these points:

Supervisor Tom Wilson answered Mr. Graham Smith's letter to the Supervisors as follows:

December 30, 1997

Dear Mr. Smith:

Thank you for your letter of December 11, 1997 regarding the Federal Express Corporation's support of interim air cargo use at MCAS El Toro.

Based on your letter, I must be certain that you understand my position regarding interim air cargo use of MCAS El Toro: I am vehemently against it and will do everything in my power to make sure no such use of MCAS El Toro is undertaken. Further, from your statements, I do not believe that you or Federal Express truly understand the political situation with regard to reuse and interim air cargo use of MCAS El Toro. Whereas the Board majority has consistently backed an aviation reuse of MCAS El Toro, I and Third District Supervisor Todd Spitzer have been consistently opposed to the current process. As the Fifth District Supervisor, I represent over 560,000 residents -- a vast majority of whom are opposed to both interim air cargo use and an aviation reuse of MCAS El Toro. In fact, in a recent University of California, Irvine poll on county sentiment towards a commercial airport at MCAS El Toro, 48% of those surveyed oppose an airport while 41% favor such a use. When surveyed on the County's handling of the base conversion, only 23% gave an approval rating to the County while 43% disapproved. The disapproval ratings were even higher among those living near the base.

Frankly, what this means is that the conversion of MCAS El Toro into a commercial airport is by no means well accepted by county residents and, regardless of that fact, is the most contentious issue facing Orange County in our history. The fact that the County is exploring interim use of the facility for air cargo is a slap in the face to many residents and can be likened to throwing fuel into a fire. I believe the Federal Express Corporation should re-examine their support of such a divisive and volatile issue which is currently consuming Orange County.

I trust that I have been clear in both my stance on this issue and my picture of the overall situation. I am always welcome to any communications from the Federal Express Corporation and look forward to answering any questions you may have regarding current issues in Orange County as they pertain to my district, which, of course, includes MCAS El Toro. Thank you very much for your correspondence.


Supervisor, Fifth District

CC: Members, Orange County Board of Supervisors
Mr. Frederick W. Smith, Chairman, President and CEO, Federal Express Corporation
Mr. Steve Alterman, Cargo Airlines Association

Supervisor Thomas Wilson wrote to all major air cargo carriers on September 10, 1998:

Click here for the mailing list

Dear Sir:

As the duly elected Supervisor for the Fifth District, Orange County Board of Supervisors, I feel that it is important to keep you informed of the latest events surrounding the closing of Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro (MCAS El Toro).

I trust that you and your corporation are well aware of the political issues surrounding the reuse of MCAS El Toro. To be blunt, this issue is the most divisive issue facing the County of Orange in its history. It is also an issue which is bleeding over into neighboring counties.

The County Board of Supervisors has taken several votes on the reuse of MCAS El Toro. These votes have been to enact a planning process which calls for a commercial airport when the base closes next summer. However, you must know that each of these votes is hotly debated and generally split 3-2. I remain in the minority outcome of these votes, but that does not soften my resolve to see a non-aviation reuse of MCAS El Toro.

MCAS El Toro lies within my district and the majority of my constituents overwhelmingly support a non-aviation reuse. As such, many taxpayer groups and several south county cities have joined together to form organized opposition to an airport. Of all the issues surrounding the County's plans to convert MCAS El Toro into a commercial airport, the issue of joint or interim use is currently the most contentious. I want you to know that under no circumstances will I ever allow joint or interim use of MCAS El Toro. I cannot make myself more clear: Should it be your desire to operate a cargo operation out of MCAS El Toro prior to base closure, I would advise caution and ask that you seek other alternatives as you develop your business plan.

While my colleague on the Board, Supervisor Todd Spitzer, and I do not have the immediate votes to curtail any such planning for interim cargo use, there are other options to ensure that it will never happen. In addition, the immediate surrounding cities, as well as the many taxpayer groups, are just as committed. Any and all attempts to utilize MCAS El Toro as an air cargo facility now or in the future will undoubtedly result in years of litigation. Frankly, those of us who are opposed to an airport at MCAS El Toro view this issue as a battle for our quality of life - a battle for our future which we are prepared to win at all costs.

Admittedly, there is no question that the Southern California area will need more cargo and passenger service, but the current planning process in Orange County - and frankly in the entire region - is approached too narrowly by each local controlling entity. My goal is to look at the air transportation shortfall as the regional issue that it is. In that regard, I believe that you and your corporation should examine the regional aspect of air transportation in Southern California. One quick example reflects the issue of air cargo. While I and many others will be leading a fight against air cargo use of MCAS El Toro for years to come, the surrounding communities and political leadership involved with March Air Force Base in Riverside County are amicable to air cargo use today. Their "open arms" are in stark contrast to our "up in arms."

I recognize that this letter is quite abrupt and perhaps somewhat abrasive in its message and tone. However, there is no other way, but to be quite frank in attempting, to convey my point of view. I urge you to rethink your proposed service needs in Southern California and work with the region as a whole - for the betterment of the entire region - instead of being drawn into a long, drawn out, and costly effort to locate a service locally against the desires of the impacted community.

Thank you for your time in accepting this letter with the seriousness that it is delivered. Should you have any questions or wish to contact me, please feel free to call my office at (714) 834-3550. I will be more than happy to talk to you or you may contact my Executive Assistant, Mr. Ken Domer, regarding these matters.


THOMAS W. WILSON, Vice-Chair Supervisor, Fifth District

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