Get Involved!

For information about the initiative and to participate in the campaign, visit the
Elections 2002 Section of the website.

The Case Against El Toro Airport - One-page summary for handouts, letters or talks.

Important Meetings - Dates of meetings you'll want to be sure to attend.

Groups -  The major organizations opposed to an El Toro Airport.  Join in!

Airport Officials Mailing List - Addresses and phones to write, e-mail and call.
Email all 5 Supervisors at once.

Write Letters to the Editor of local newspapers.  Here are their e-mail addresses.

Action For Homeowner Associations - How homeowners groups should protect their interests.

PTA's Have a Role - Parent teacher groups should act to protect their children.

Clergymen Speak Out- There are moral issues to address regarding the airport.

Aircraft Noise Complaints  - Who to call about noisy planes overhead.

Reuse Timeline - Timeline of important events in the reuse process.

Latest News
Elections 2002

El Toro Airport Info Site