Parent Teacher Groups Play a Role

The following position was adopted by the Capistrano Unified Council of PTSA's. The CUCPTSA hosted a debate between County representatives and airport opponents and held a question and answer session before voting.

The Council is made up of all the presidents from the PTA's in the District.

September 10, 1997
For Immediate Release for all PTSA Newsletters

From: Suzy Elliott (459-0649)
Capistrano Unified Council of PTSAs

El Toro Airport Proposal Flies in a Cloud of Controversy

Controversy clouds daily over the proposed international commercial airport at the El Toro Marine base. Daily newspaper editorials and articles have us all scratching our heads trying to decipher who is right and who is wrong. As PTSA members our main concern about the proposed airport is how it will affect our children.

Recently on June 9th, our Capistrano Unified School District trustees voted unanimously to oppose construction of a commercial airport at El Toro. Their resolution was based on studies concerning the negative impacts of aircraft noise and pollution on children. Studies, such as the one recently published by Cornell University, showed a direct correlation between chronic noise, such as those produced by airports, and the children’s ability to recognize and understand spoken words. Reading scores in areas near airports were reported lower than those in quieter areas. According to researchers, the reason for low reading scores was because kids tune out speech in noisy areas.

On Wednesday, September 10, the Capistrano Unified Council of PTSAs also voted on behalf of all our school children to oppose the construction of a commercial airport at El Toro, and to support the study of non-aviation uses that would benefit our communities.

The federal government is currently conducting their own study of reuses for El Toro. It is critical that this study also include non-aviation ideas and proposals. You can write to them and express your opinion, pro or con, on the commercial airport, or offer any suggestions you may have for non-aviation use of the El Toro Marine base.

William Cassidy, Jr.
Assistant Secretary of the Navy
1000 Navy Pentagon, Room 48756
Washington, DC 20350
(703) 693-4527 or Fax: (703) 693-2734

Click here for resolutions passed by other school district organizations.