Example Image    Sacramento Scheming

In these closing days of the California legislative session, scores of bills are being pushed through in a mad crush of legislation.  It is an  opportunity for pro-airport lobbyists to sneak amendments into unrelated bills and try to make them law.

We know of several attempts that are being made right now:

We need everyone to demand fair treatment from the Legislature.

A bill in the California Assembly, AB1556 - having nothing to do with El Toro - has been amended by pro-airport forces to block Irvine's annexation of the base property.

If Irvine annexes the land, county Measure A - which zoned it for airport - would no longer apply.

City zoning could designate the property for non-aviation use, such as a Great Park or mixed park-residential-educational and business use. The voters would decide.

Click on the message block below to send a message to your Orange County State Senators, and the State Senate Committee reviewing the bill on August 25.

1. Insert a Subject such as "AB1556", "Allow Annexation of El Toro", "Stop undemocratic change in annexation rules"

2. Type a message using some of the following points:

3. Append your name and address and send the message.

4. * Click here for pre addressed message form. *

4B  If the above link does not work on your browser,
        Click here for the Committee Chairman

CURRENT NEWS                                   ISSUES

This page last updated on August 23, 2000.