Example Image    Stop the Waste

Send the following message, or one of your own, to the 5 county supervisors.

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2. Add your name and address.
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The struggle over El Toro Airport has gone on for too long. The county has spent 6 years and close to $40 million dollars - and is no closer to building an airport today than when it started.

Cities, groups and individuals on both sides of the debate have also spent heavily.  The fight has sapped energy and resources that could have been put to better use.

The landslide passage of Measure F was a mandate from the voters that they - and only they - should decide whether the airport is built.  We are waiting to hear from a judge, as to whether Measure F will remain law, or be recast as an important advisory vote - that still should be heeded by the Supervisors.

It is clear, from every independent poll, that the people of Orange County do not want another airport thrust into the center of their community.

Stop the waste. "Radical change" is needed. Demonstrate that you respect the will of the people who elected you, that you have the courage to accept reality, and that you are prepared to lead the county in a new direction, away from an airport.

The financial cost and management effort to undo the past is minuscule compared to the huge price of going forward with an unneeded, unwanted and unworkable airport project. 

a.  Click this link to open a message block.

b.  If the above link does not work with your browser,
     Click here. (Microsoft Exchange, AOL users)

c.  If the above 2 links do not work with your browser,
     Click here to send your message to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.


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