Example Image      City of Anaheim re. El Toro

The following exchange of letters has been retyped, without changes in text, from copies of the originals.  They are posted for public information: 

Office of the City Manager

                                                October 15, 1999

Janice M. Mittermeier
Chief Executive Officer
County of Orange
10 Civic Center Plaza
Third Floor
Santa Ana, CA 92701-4062

Dear Jan:

        The City of Anaheim wants to convey its continuing interest in and
support for the County's El Toro project as depicted in the materials
and information made public to date.  The City however has serious
concerns about the potential noise impacts of the project, particularly
in the Anaheim Hills area.  We are pleased to know that the County
understands and is willing to address these concerns.

        After extensive discussion, consultation with legal and technical
experts and a thorough evaluation of all available data, it is the
City's conclusion that it can continue to support the El Toro project
if, but only if, it can reach a formal agreement with the County which
will insure mitigation of the noise impacts of El Toro operations.  To
this end, the City would propose an Inter-Governmental Agreement
pursuant to which the County would acquire title to the El Toro facility
only after obtaining binding and enforceable commitments from necessary
parties to the following noise mitigation measures:

·       A nighttime noise cap substantially identical to the 86 dB cap
presently in effect at John Wayne Airport;
·       A SID pursuant to which all departures on Runway 34 would be directed
to initiate a right turn at or before a point eight miles from the end
of that runway; and
·       Formal adoption of a runway allocation program resulting in runway use
substantially identical to that set forth as alternative B, Table 3-2 in
Technical Report 9.1 of the MCAS El Toro Master Development Program.

The City would be pleased to discuss these requirements, as well as the
means by which they can be achieved and documented, with County staff
and counsel.

                                        Very truly yours,
                                        James D. Ruth
                                        City Manager


cc:     Mayor & City Council
        David M. Morgan, Assistant City Manger
        Jack White, City Attorney

Janice M. Mittermeier, Executive Director
October 29, 1999

Mr. James D. Ruth
City Manager
City of Anaheim
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
Anaheim, CA 92805

Dear Jim:

Thank you for your letter of October 15, 1999 regarding the County's
plans with respect to MCAS El Toro.  The City's interest and support is
very much appreciated.

I also appreciate the thoughtful and professional manner in which the
City of Anaheim has followed the planning process and your interest in
potential noise impacts of the project.  As you know, the County is
nearing completion of our second tier Environmental Impact Report which
will discuss these issues in some detail.  We anticipate issuance of
these documents for public review and comment next month.

Your letter makes clear that there are particular aspects of the
project, specific potential noise impacts, that are of concern to the
City of Anaheim and about which the City would like to have further
discussions with the County.  We appreciate your desire to have a
constructive dialogue on these issues and I have directed my staff to
contact your office to initiative such discussions.


Janice M. Mittermeier
County Executive Officer

Cc:     Members, Board of Supervisors
        County Counsel
        Manager, El Toro Master Development Program

Editor's Note:  Mittermeier did write "initiative" in the final sentence of her letter.  What was she thinking about?

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This page last updated on November 13, 1999