Orange County Register, Business Section, February 10, 1999
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How will Bren Land on Airport?

Jonathan Lansner
February 10, 1999

To: Don Bren, Irvine Co. boss.

From: Person living five miles due east of proposed El Toro International runway.

As is usual in your business dealings, Don, your Irvine Co. has played this El Toro debate pretty smooth. You guys have been right down the middle, not giving a hint where you're leaning. Yeah, you threatened to stomp real loud if the planes eventually flew west over Irvine. But otherwise, it's been strictly business.

Now, I know you're waiting for all the facts about El Toro to come in — environmental-impact reports, air-safety rulings, even some legal opinions. Your company's public stance that smart developers don't build without a full set of facts is laudable. It certainly lets your team's criticisms of the two competing plans for the old air base fly without taint of bias one way or another. And certainly the facts, the few that have been truly discussed, have been ever-changing.

But now it seems that it is time for the county's largest landowner to act, Don. Yes, it's a bit premature, but you don't always get the desired timing.

You know, the county seems pretty desperate to get going at El Toro. Cargo flights by July? I bet you're thrilled they're taking this fast-track approach.

The airport opposition, well, they're taking an odd detour. Instead of killing a new airport, they're seeking a broad ban on big, noxious developments. Gosh, talk about a potential lose-lose scenario for a builder like you, no? Either you get a noxious airport or a noxious growth regulation. Ugh.

Of course, you've got internal debates to juggle on this topic, too, I presume.

I'm sure you've got some airport hawks, probably commercial-developer types, who get all bubbly over the thought of the potential of an airport.

Think how quickly your folks could build out Irvine Spectrum with the airport's alleged commerce boost. Especially without much added competition from offices and factories that would otherwise pop up minus an airport on the El Toro site. Or maybe it's just a little insurance policy against the next recession. And your apartment unit, the one that just cost you half a billion to take from Wall Street? More jobs means more renters. Right?

But I'll bet there's an equally loud chorus at your Fashion Island offices that worries what an airport would do to south county's quality of life.

Do you really think all those high-tech tenants at Irvine Spectrum office digs really want jet noise above? You think shoppers at the Entertainment Center would enjoy the roar of a 747? I'll bet the homebuilders inside your camp just drool over the dream of developing the view-stuffed hills just north of the air base if it were converted to nonaviation uses. I figure you're bound to side with this group eventually.

To make matters even trickier, though, I'll wager that other Irvine Co. insiders say, "Don, let's just ride the fence."

It looks like you might win financially either way. And why anger the losing side? But is standing pat your style?

So call everybody into the boardroom and tell them they ain't leaving until it's all settled. How much more data do you need? Then draw up the press release, pull out the checkbook and get the political power in gear.

Don, we're ready for you to fight the good fight. Just tell us, please, which side you're on. Because once you do that, this game is over for the other side. 

Register Business columnist Jonathan Lansner can be reached at (714) 953-7812 or by E-mail at