1. The adverse environmental conditions created by the proposed airport at El Toro may jeopardize the future economic growth of Irvine Spectrum and surrounding areas. Air pollution, high noise levels, increased traffic, longer commute times and general airport blight (think of LAX) will make it increasingly difficult to recruit and maintain quality employees who want to live and work in the area.
2. The airport is not economically viable. Infrastructure improvements (new runways, access roads, etc.) could run in excess of $200 million above current estimated costs. Additionally, nearly $250 million is still owed for improvements made to John Wayne Airport. There are at least eight airports with medium and long haul capability (five of which are international) within a 100 mile radius of El Toro. We are convinced the demand for the airport will not be sufficient to justify the enormous costs.
3. The Orange County bankruptcy has wiped out the County's cash reserves. Our infrastructure has been essentially mortgaged for the next 20 years. Operating revenues from the proposed airport may not be enough to pay for the bonds issued to finance it. If the airport bonds go into default, the ability of the County to bond for other essential needs could be in serious jeopardy.
4. If the El Toro Marine Base is converted to an airport then 4,700 acres will be removed from the tax rolls--a move U.S. Congressman, Chris Cox has called "fiscal irresponsibility defined." Residential property could be devalued by more than 16 percent, further eroding the County's tax base.
5. The decision process regarding the reuse of the El Toro base has been inherently flawed, and will no doubt result in protracted, expensive litigation.
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