Airport Noise Test CD Now Available
from Project 99 !

Have you ever wondered what the impact of noise from 747's, DC 10's, MD 11's and other large commercial aircraft will have on your home and business? The County EIR gives you numbers, we give you the NOISE!


"Under The Flight Path, A Preview of El Toro International Airport" The sounds and impact of commercial aircraft taking off and landing--now available as a Compact Disk from Project 99.

Larry Agran, Voluntary Chair of Project 99, recently noted, "with the postponement of flight tests by the County we wanted to give residents of Orange County an opportunity to hear the deafening impact of jet noise at the proposed El Toro International Airport. Unlike John Wayne Airport, which is limited to only 73 flights per day and has hours of operation from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., our CD allows you to test your nerves with takeoffs and landings 24 hours-a-day, spaced approximately 2 minutes apart--exactly what the County proposes at the El Toro Airport."

The CD is designed to facilitate the process of creating a realistic preview of the noise from the proposed airport. During a brief introduction of the CD, users are instructed to turn the volume up to conversational level for the 4 1/2 minute narration, and then, sit back to hear the actual sounds of commercial-class aircraft taking off and landing at both John Wayne Airport and Los Angeles International Airport.

The CD was recorded live on July 15-17, 1997 by Dave Kirkey of Eagle Canyon Music. Kirkey comments, "The noise is captured using professional digital technology and recorded on CD for a true representation of real aircraft noise." Kirkey claims he charted up to 106 dB on the DBA sound meter while doing this recording, but limited the recorded material used for the CD to approximately 100 DBA in accordance with the County's EIR numbers." When asked why he recorded the aircraft noise, Kirkey stated that, "one day while reading the County information on the proposed El Toro International Airport (see chart attached), I began to wonder just what would be the real impact of these statistics. So, I took a stereo microphone and digital tape recorder and sound meter out to John Wayne and LAX and made the recordings. After playing the tape for a few friends, I shared it with Larry Agran of Project 99. Larry and I agreed that this would be a great way to give the citizens of Orange County an opportunity to experience, first-hand, the devastating impact of noise from commercial and cargo flights that will disrupt our community 24 hours -a-day if the El Toro International Airport becomes a reality."

Aircraft Noise Decibel Values Information from Orange County
El Toro Airport EIR:


 Take Off Noise

 Landing Noise


 98 DBA

 96 DBA


 90 DBA

 94 DBA


 86 DBA

 88 DBA


 83 DBA

 84 DBA


 77 DBA

 88 DBA


 74 DBA

 88 DBA


 72 DBA

 87 DBA

Information from Technical Report H--Noise Analysis 7/31/91 (estimates from bar graphs) Exhibits 27 and 28

For further information on the CD, please contact Dave Kirkey of Eagle Canyon Music at 714-589-9262 or on the internet at or Alan Ellstrand, media director, Project 99 at 714-734-0384.

For further information regarding aircraft noise and the effects of noise on individuals and communities as well as other valuable information, see the El Toro Airport Website .

Project 99 is a special project of the Tides Center, a duly registered public charity. Donations to Project 99/Tides Center are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Project 99 Newsletter Director of Communications, Karen Byers
Director of Media, Alan Ellstrand

Project 99, PMB # 147, 5319 University Drive, Irvine, CA 92612-2935
Telephone: 714-554-5410

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