Assembly Bill AB 1479

Contact members of the California State Assembly immediately.

Urge their support of AB 1479, introduced by Assemblywoman Pat Bates  (Republican, 73rd District).

What is AB 1479?

California Assembly Bill would create a new El Toro Development Authority to consist of the 5 members of the Board of Supervisors, a member of the Irvine City council and one member jointly appointed by the two sides.  It would take El Toro planning out of the exclusive hands of the Board of Supervisors and give the largest anti-airport city a decison-making seat at the table.

Who to contact

Send messages to the Chairman, or better yet, to each of these key members of the California Local Government Committee by clicking on their names below:
(D = Democrat, R = Republican)

John Longville, Chairman (D)
Tom Torlakson (D)
Helen Thomson (D)
Bruce Thompson (R)
Nell Soto (D)
Ellen Corbett (D)
Howard Kaloogian (R)
What to say.

Use some of the following points in your own message.  Address the recipients as "Assembly member" and be very respectful in choice of wording and tone, in order to win their support.

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