Example ImageEIR 573

The December 23, 1999 Environmental Impact Report
(This page will be updated as additional information is released.)

How to submit comments or questions on the EIR.

Submissions preferably should be in the form of questions.  State law requires that questions must be answered by the County.

Be specific:  why, where, how, when, who?  Give an exact citation from the EIR, if possible. If not, ask questions anyway.

Ask open ended questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no.
1. How did the authors arrive at this conclusion described on pages XYZ, section ABC? Was a study done to analyze these conclusions? If yes, when was it conducted? By whom? Under what conditions? If a study was not done, why not?  What are the standards used in the industry for this kind of study?
2. How are the conclusions of the EIR, reported on pages RST, section EFG compared to the industry standards?
3. How common are the proposed mitigations, described on pages MNO, section HIJ? Please provide examples of where such mitigations have been implemented, describing in details the conditions before and after the proposed mitigations were applied. If no such examples exist, why do the authors propose them?

Submit by e-mail to:  EIR573@ceo.hoa.co.orange.ca.us   A copy will go to the ETRPA lawyers (they may be able to use your question in possible future legal action).  You might also want to specifiy a Return Receipt on your email, so you'll be notified when the county receives your e-mail.   Be sure to keep copies of all questions you submit.

or in writing to:

     County of Orange
     El Toro Master Development Program
     Attn: Mr. Bryan Speegle
     10 Civic Center Plaza, Second Floor
     Santa Ana, CA 92701

Deadline for comments:  February 22, 2000 at 5:00 PM

EIR highlights.

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This page last updated on January 26, 2000